Kate's Blog

They Say Time is a Thief…

By January 27, 2025 No Comments

…but IS it really?

In our Life in Balance series this week, we’re focusing on being more “energy efficient”, which means identifying areas in our life where we’re expending time and energy on things that may not be serving us, and in fact, may be costing us. We’ve heard the saying, “Don’t leave money on the table.”, which means, don’t leave any opportunity unchecked, yet, we leave SO much time on the table every day. It’s the one thing we can’t recoup – and the one thing we most regret wasting.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to leave this life with regrets-I want to wring out every last drop of goodness! This doesn’t mean cramming in as much as I can every day or beating myself up when I take a day or three off from my goals/projects to rest and reset, or spend time with my kids and grands, or travel with my friends. No. It means I’m willing to be mindful of how I use my time and energy in the every day minutiae of my life, so I don’t leave anything on the table – it’s too precious to waste!

As I walked through this week’s practices again, I thought you might like this guide on becoming “Energy Efficient” too – some simple steps we can practice to reclaim our time and boost our energy, so we can be there for the good stuff! 😊 You can download it for FREE here!

Don’t let ANYTHING steal your joy – not even time!

So much love, Kate ❤️